The doctors in clinics can offer preventive healthcare services to all of their past and future patients in the client database for video consulting as triggered by our health alerting tool based on individual health conditions. The system can provide tools to doctors assistant to setup an actual doctor appointment in the clinic. This will generate an additional source of revenue for doctors through video consulting, scheduling in-person doctor visit and charging nominal monthly subscription fee for My24X7Doctor™ platform connection with the doctor. When our platform detects an out-of-range adverse health condition, then it triggers an appointment, first with video call consulting, then in-person clinic visit as required. My24X7Doctor™ becomes additional sustainable monthly revenue for doctors without visiting actual patients in person. Our platform hosts updated patient data via automatic uploading lab test results, integrated data from home healthcare devices, doctor’s visits and other available input sources. The system also integrates with the various leading healthcare device manufactures via specific API interfaces.